Competency Assessment |  | Many of us consider ourselves to be "computer literate" - after all, we can compose a letter in our favourite word-processor or send and receive e-mail whenever we want - right?
iTeam offers the ability to grade your computer skills and test your level of competency in a number of software applications.
This service provides the user with a real world confirmation of their level of competency with a particular application and can be used to assist in professional development, whether it be to gain recognition of existing skills, or to target areas that need attention. |
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Instructor Lead Training |  | Our core business is educating users in the efficient application of computer software.
Our experience extends from introductory user tuition to technical instruction in systems software and application development environments. Our extensive range of vendor accreditations attest to our level of competency with a wide range of Operating Systems, Software Applications and Development tools.
We are intimately acquainted with applications from all of the major software vendors - in addition, iTeam provides Tasmania's only accredited IBM and Lotus courses.
iTeam offers a unique learning experience. Our aim is to provide tuition in comfortable surroundings, where our informal instructional techniques provide an opportunity for real interaction between the instructor and other participants. |
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Multimedia development of educational content |  | From presentations to complete multimedia solutions - iTeam has the skills, experience and expertise to assist in the development of your demonstrations and interactive software requirements.
Our online learning site demonstrates some of the technologies we have utilised in Multimedia content development, in addition our involvement in the VAS project for literacy assessment is a proud addition to our interactive multimedia portfolio. |
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Self-paced education |  | iTeam offers self-paced learning utilising two media -
- Smartforce Computer Based Training (CBT) CD's, and
- IBM Learningspace Self-Paced and Synchronous online courses.
Self-paced learning has benefits for those who are unable to attend traditional classroom based training due to other commitments or distance disadvantages.
Increasingly, self-paced education is becoming the preferred method of learning for people who have attained a level of computer literacy that enables them to build on their existing knowledge and skills.
iTeam is able to offer advice, delivery and consultation services for all aspects of self-paced education. |
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Technical Writing |  | iTeam has been writing technical guides for years. Our experience extends from standardised courseware for application software to custom user guides for tailored applications.
iTeam has established methodology's that enable us to customise our own content, or to generate new content for courses as required.
Combined with our instructional experience our processes enable us to deliver high-quality, structured and easy to understand material.
In conjunction with ISW's graphic design, printing and distribution divisions, we are able to provide a complete solution through all stages of the project - from idea to delivery. We would be pleased to discuss any of your documentation requirements. |
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Total Solution |  | Due to our close association with ISW development, iTeam is one of the cogs in an alliance that enable complete service delivery for your organisation.
From Hardware sales, support and outsourcing through application development, computer training to printing, mail and distribution, ISW is:
"The key to your business!" |