Online Courses
What is an online course?
Online courses are training courses that are delivered via the Internet, rather than in a classroom environment. Typically they are self paced, so that you can learn in your own time at your own pace. Some courses are synchronous, while others are asynchronous.
A synchronous course has sessions that are conducted with all the participants logged into the internet at the same time.
What will I learn?
You will learn the same concepts and conduct the same labs that are normally covered within a classroom environment. The main difference is that our online courses are completely modularised. The benefit of a modularised structure is that you only learn what you need, when you need it - we call this type of delivery "LearningBytes".
The advantage of a LearningByte is that you do not have to attend an entire day's classroom instruction if you are only interested in one topic. For example, instead of attending a full day "Microsoft Word Intermediate" classroom session to learn specifically about "Mail Merge" - you would only need to take the "Mail Merge" LearningByte.
How Does it work?
Online courses are structured utilising adult learning principals. This methodology includes - but is not limited to - the following delivery:
Case Study: | The Case Study introduces the topic by examining a standard business process, that is: "Why would you want to do this" |
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Concepts: | The Concepts are explained in plain english, to examine what the parts of the process are, and how they work with one another to produce the desired outcome. |
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Step-by-Step: | Step-by-Step we walk through the actions needed to perform the task. |
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Streaming Presentation: | To assist in understanding the step-by-step process we provide a streaming video presentation that demonstrates the task from start to finish. You can come back to this video at any time to review the process and refresh your understanding. |
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Exercise: | We then conduct an exercise which follows the step-by-step process, this time including instructions that will help produce an outcome. |
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Support and Follow-up: | If you have any queries or concerns, we provide support via an online chat room, a "Discussion forum" and in monitored classes an Instructor is available anytime using instant messaging. |
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Challenge: | We complete the Learning Byte with a "Challenge". The challenge is a completed piece of work that you would duplicate using the knowledge gained in the previous steps. Once you have completed the challenge we provide detailed step-by-step instructions so that you can compare the similarities between how the challenge was constructed and how you completed the task. The challenge is also demonstrated using a streaming video presentation. |
How do I access online courses
Simply click on the "Log-in" option located in the navigator on the left hand side of the screen. Existing users enter their online username and password, new users select the link to create a new account.
When creating an account you will be prompted to select the course for which you wish to gain access. There are several options that you can select, which have different investment structures, these are detailed below:
Online course investment Effective 1st January 2002
Learning Byte: | A$15.00 | One LearningByte, for example "Mail Merge using Microsoft Word" |
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Course: | A$35.00 | Normally the same as one of our standard classroom courses, including all LearningBytes covered.
For Example "Microsoft Word Intermediate" includes the "Working with sections", "Working with Tables", "Mail Merge", "Using Styles and Autotext", "Introduction to Templates" and "Introduction to Macros" |
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Product: | A$75.00 | Includes every LearningByte from every course that we teach for that product.
An example would be "Microsoft Word" includes every LearningByte from every Word course, "Microsoft Word Introduction", "Microsoft Word Intermediate" and "Microsoft Word Advanced". |
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Certification Course: | A$195.00 | The same information is covered as at the "Course" level, except the skills delivered are more complex and the duration of the course is normally longer.
An example would be a course required to gain a "Microsoft Certified Professional" or "Lotus Certified Specialist" qualification. |
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Certification Stream: | A$395.00 | Access to all "Certification Courses" required to gain a high level vendor certification.
An example would be every course required to gain a "Certified Lotus Professional" qualification, ie: "Domino Designer Fundamentals", "Domino Application Architecture" and "Domino Application Security and Workflow" |
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Site Subscription: | A$995.00 | Unlimited access to every LearningByte we offer. |
Where do I go if I need help?
You're not alone in the learning process.
iTeam maintains a number of support resources to enable you to get help when you need it, these include:
Knowledge Base: |
Our selection of "Frequently asked questions" (FAQ's) and prior requests for assistance. This is a comprehensive, searchable database that includes questions and answers to common problems, as well as every question and answer we have delivered for this LearningByte. Also includes answers to questions posed in our online chat room.
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Chat Room: |
The "live" version of our Knowledge Base. You can log-in to our chat room at any time, ask questions and receive answers as well as interact with other members of iTeamOnline.
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Instant Messaging: |
iTeam uses the "SameTime" instant messaging client. There are two methods of accessing SameTime, either natively using the SameTime connect client software (available for download on our web-site) or by using the Browser-based version of the software, which requires no additional client software installation (you will, however, need to have Java plug-ins enabled in your web-browser).
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E-mail |
Questions can be directed to our support address at any time.
I want more information!
For further details, email us at: Enquiries@iteam.com.au
"Luck is for those who need it, so Have a great journey!"
"The empires of the future are the empires of the mind"
(Winston Churchill)
iKnow! |